Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I realized today that I never posted my own closure to what happened.  After talking with the lawyer, he wanted a significant portion of fees (I seem to think it was $~2500 to be paid up front for his work.  He advised these fees could be appended to the expenses I paid Mr. Garcia for the work I paid to have done but was abandoned.  He also advised that based on my own discovery that even if I secured a judgment in my favor in civil court (very likely) there is effectively nothing in the law that would compel him to pay.... so ultimately, I would be equally unlikely to ever recover a single dollar.  At this point, I have resolved Mr. Garcia has in fact beaten me and the system.  He knew just enough to know how to evade criminal charges.  For example, consider the picture of the state the project was abandoned:

After calling the police, they said that work on the retaining wall had begun (since he tore it down).  They also said that he had technically 'started to refinish the pool deck as evidenced by the large gray primer spot.'

I argue that painting a 20 sq ft patch of primer is a far cry from starting the work- but legally it is apparently sufficient that the Rockwall police department had no interest in even investigating my claims of criminal theft.

I decided that I can remain embittered toward Mr. Garcia (which I confess I still struggle to forgive a man who has no remorse for his actions and continues to defraud others) *or* I can pray that God would help me find personal forgiveness against him while allowing Him [God] to balance the ledger at the final judgment.

I ultimately completed the painting and privacy wall myself.  I paid a different trustworthy contractor $3200 to complete the retaining wall and had to dispose of all the debris myself.  The gray primer spots and spilled paint remain to this day a reminder of my lack of thorough advance examination of the character and reputation of Mr. Garcia.

Beyond that, I will only occasionally post updates, not out of an obsession with ruining Mr. Garcia but to keep the posts timely so they remain at the top of Google searches that others may be warned before signing a contract with Juan Garcia III dba Garcia Construction Company.

September 2015 Follow Up on Dallas Court Cases

Earlier today, i discovered an email from a person sent July 2015 that told me they too are being scammed by Mr. Garcia... so apparently he is still out and about conning people.  At that point, I realized that I had never posted the follow-up of my own actions (I'll do this in a separate post) or my discoveries of pending court cases in Dallas County court house.

As to the pending court cases, I have learned that the previously referenced case in the Dallas Court house was for the theft of an angle grinder.  He also has a second case that he is pleading guilty to that will be settled in two days for theft of goods>$1500.

For case F-1500488, the complaint is:

For case F-1410975, the complaint is: