Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Questionable excuses

This is the part that is most difficult because if true, I would hate to be the person that is unmerciful:
  • He said that his father had a heart attack and died on Wednesday
  • He said his mother had a heart attack and died within 24 hours on Thursday
  • He had a heart attack Friday night and went to the hospital
The above is not the entire list of excuses, other things I have been told include:
  • Rain at rock yard prevented the truck from picking up the stone
  • He told the crew to show up, but they just didn't do as instructed
  • His crew was working on another job
  • Rain in Tyler, TX delayed him from arriving in Rockwall on time
  • Battery on phone died so he couldn't contact me
  • Problems with trailer so he had to go to U-haul to get a new trailer
  • The ceilings in his own house fell from the recent rains
  • It is raining (although radar shows it is clear)  
  • Paraphrase:  On june 30th... I need 7 days to determine a refund.  4th of July weekend is coming.
But let me address the top 3 because if true, they would justify a certain amount of delay and warrant additional patience:
  • He told me his father and mother died on Wednesday and Thursday respectively... but when his wife texted (while he 'was in the hospital'), she said they died Thursday and Friday- so the dates don't align.
  • I checked the obituaries (now 2 weeks later) for Laredo, TX and all of Texas for deaths of anyone named Garcia.  According to public records, there is no one with that name that died at that time that could have been his parents.
  • When I called Baylor hospital to inquire (i was going to send flowers), they said they had no patient by that name.
  • I texted and asked where i could send flowers and his wife told me he had been transferred to Parkland.  When I called Parkland, they had no patient by that name either.
In case it matters, I inquired about JR Garcia, J.R. Garcia, Juan Garcia, and Juan Garcia III.  All 4 names came up empty.

As I'm building things, I'll also address the excuses about the ceilings falling and the idea it is raining.  First the rain:

On the issue of rain causing problems at his house... he sent the following pictures as evidence of his problems keeping him from appearing:

So here's my problem, there is NO furniture in this house.  In fact, the only things that are really identifiable in the picture (other than the mess) is the box that says "MITER SAW" in the bottom right picture.  In other words, this isn't HIS house.  It is simply another construction project.

For the documented record, he has also performed work in Tyler and Grand Prairie since leaving my house in disarray.

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